Anti vibration labelIt is a monitoring product used for packaging and transportation of goods, with a wide range of economic uses. It can monitor the transportation process of goods in real time through specific maritime designs, expanding its scope from production monitoring to transportation support. Minimize damage during the loading and unloading process of goods transportation, and reduce production and transportation costs to the greatest extent possible.
In recent years, many customers in various industries and regions have used this type of transportation monitoring label for anti vibration labels. However, due to the unique offshore design of anti vibration labels, there is a risk of varying degrees of damage during actual transportation, and everyone thinks they want to buy products that are of good quality and affordable. Below, manufacturers of anti vibration labels will introduce the techniques for purchasing anti vibration labels.
oneThe product model of the anti vibration label
Anti vibration labels have different sensitivities depending on the product model, and there is a risk of damage during transportation. Label colors: Yellow, purple, red, orange, and green gradually prevent the risk of damage from left to right. When ordering anti vibration labels, you not only need to consider the cost, but also the safety of goods transportation and the integrity of the product.
2Product requirements for anti vibration labels
If a certain number of shock-absorbing labels are used, a detailed investigation of the entire shock-absorbing label market, especially Shockwatch and Shockwatch products, can be conducted from a cost perspective. If the usage rate is low or transportation is suddenly needed, shock-absorbing labels need to be used. I am currently purchasing Shockwatch second-generation shock-absorbing labels or Dropball labels, which can support express delivery.