Shock indicatorDAMAGE X
When you ship fragile, sensitive, perishable, or calibrated items, you are not only concerned about the damage to the goods, but also about the impact on customer relationships and the reputation of the company. A study by the American Packaging Association shows that goods are subjected to an average of 7 to 14 vibrations and collisions from departure to arrival at their destination, with 1% of the goods being affected to varying degrees. The damage caused by goods during transportation can result in unnecessary waste of manpower, material resources, and round-trip time. applyDomestic impact indicator DAMAGE XDuring transportation, every violation can be prevented, keeping the goods under sensitive monitoring at all times. Both the carrier and you will greatly reduce losses and avoid claims.
Directly integrateDAMAGE X seismic impact indicatorBy pasting it onto your items or packaging, you can detect and record any collisions and violations during transportation. No matter what item you send, these sensitive and eye-catching devices are a strong visual deterrent to rough handling.
applyDAMAGE X seismic impact indicatorIt can reduce the cost of repairing and replacing goods, avoid claims disputes, and reduce the time spent on rebuilding customer confidence. A research report shows that the use of shock-absorbing display labels systematically reduces the potential damage to products during logistics by over 70%.
DAMAGE X seismic impact indicatorHidden is a small test tube filled with suspended red liquid, which appears milky white when not impacted. When these devices experience collisions exceeding a specific gravitational acceleration value (G value), the impact destroys the surface tension of the liquid, releasing bright red dye into the test tube& Flash; The test tube turned red and immediately generated a permanent label for the violation. (Ordinary sports and road bumps do not affect this device, only limited to collisions with specific intensities set.). And once the device is activated, it cannot be restored.
These devices come in three types: labels, clips, and test tubes, which can be attached to the outer packaging of the product, directly attached to the product, or designed to be integrated with the product. Compared to packaging, they are more like miniature testing instruments. We provide you with flexible and versatile means of preventing damage when items do require supervision during transportation and loading and unloading. During the manufacturing and transportation processes, these devices have a dual effect of avoiding unauthorized handling and alerting operators, thereby affecting their behavior.
There are five sensitivities availableDAMAGE X seismic impact indicatorOptional, simply match the sensitivity of the label with the level of collision that the item and packaging may experience. If activated and turned red, it indicates that the collision has exceeded the predetermined level. The three commonly used seismic collision display labels are as follows:
redExamples of product applications (50 milliseconds and 50G impact): audio-visual equipment, neon lights, automation components, kitchen equipment, computer equipment, exhibition equipment, furniture, medical equipment, electromechanical equipment
Label position: 300mm to 600mm above the ground on the right side of the packaging box. For large or palletized packages, two labels need to be placed on both sides of the diagonal corner.
purpleExamples of product applications (50 millisecond 37G impact): automation equipment, art\/sculpture, computer equipment, heavy-duty equipment, medical equipment, kitchen equipment, metal products, copiers\/printers, display equipment\/displays
Label position: 25kg-50kg packaging box, middle and upper right. The right side of the 50kg-250kg packaging box is 300mm above the ground. For packaging boxes or pallet shipping boxes, two labels need to be placed diagonally on both sides.
yellowExamples of product applications (50 millisecond 25G impact): loose packaging on pallets, heavy equipment, printers weighing over 136kg, computer equipment
Label position: 300mm to 600mm above the ground on the right side of the packaging box. For large packaging boxes or pallet shipping boxes, two labels need to be placed diagonally on both sides
In some special occasions, such as factories, laboratories, or smaller items and packaging, clamps and test tubes can also be used to detect vibration and collisions:
Clip&& Flash; It can be directly placed on items or containers, and the clamp is more compact and economical, which can accurately locate the parts you are concerned about. Test tube& Flash; Designed for limited space and can be directly integrated with products, suitable for product designers, packaging engineers, logistics analysts, and manufacturing engineers.
Related toDAMAGE X seismic impact indicatorThe auxiliary tools used in conjunction include reminder stickers& Flash; Paste on the delivery note, it reminds the carrier and recipient that the goods have been monitored. Matching labels& Flash; Provide additional visual warnings and explain what to do if a violation occurs.
These auxiliary tools, together with anti vibration labels, constitute a complete damage prevention solution that helps to fully utilize the effectiveness of shock display labels. After contacting us, we will provide you with a separate solution according to your requirements.
The product features of the DAMAGE X impact indicator include:
& Gt& Gt; Collision detection is applicable to a large number of products of different types and sizes
& Gt& Gt; User set detection limit value
& Gt& Gt; Use very prominent orange warning signs for violations
& Gt& Gt; Anti tampering design prevents activation from being concealed due to the loss of conclusive evidence
& Gt& Gt; The strong adhesive backboard is convenient and easy to use, and no tools or accessories are required for installation
The application range of the shock impact indicator DAMAGE X:
& Gt& Gt; Automotive components, commercial products, semiconductor equipment, computer hard drives, experimental equipment, memory media, glass products, electronic products, furniture, and other items that are more susceptible to vibration and impact damage.
Using anti vibration labels can help gain more commercial benefits:
& Gt& Gt; Protect fragile, sensitive, or calibrated items during transportation to reduce damage and loss to the product during transportation
& Gt& Gt; Visual deterrence against improper operations, reminding the consignee to inspect the goods upon receipt, and providing irrefutable evidence of illegal operations
& Gt& Gt; Ensure that all aspects of cargo loading and unloading bear corresponding responsibilities, and avoid or reduce insurance claims
& Gt& Gt; Confirm the effectiveness of packaging
& Gt& Gt; Identify the occurrence of faults in the production process and transportation, and reduce the scrap rate
& Gt& Gt; Ensure the quality of products in the logistics process, improve customer satisfaction, and form a clear sales advantage;