Anti tilt label TiltWatch® XTR
It is a perfect anti tilt display measure, and once the goods are tilted or completely inverted, the anti tilt label will display red
ShockWatch's tilt indicators are directly attached to the outer packaging of your products. These tilt indicators are detected and recorded as unacceptable. The tilted products must be kept upright. Simple, cost-effective, and efficient
In addition, the tilt indicator includes vacuum sealing, without any impact on humidity or temperature changes.
ShockWatch's product tilt indicators include:
If the angle exceeds 80 degrees, once it turns red, it cannot return to its original state. If the back adhesive is removed, it will move together with your product
TiltWatch® Plus
This type of tilted label can be displayed every 10 degrees and provides a perfect 360 degree indication. Once the adhesive is removed, it cannot return to its original state,
Oblique label companion
Both TiltWatch and TiltWatch Plus come with accompanying labels and warning signs to inform your customers and carriers that the product has been monitored. If these accompanying tools are used, it can promote quality and process control throughout the entire process.
This project is the most successful collaboration from the operator: transportation, warehousing, and packaging departments.
The plan at ShockWatch includes the following: